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Google Ads, Google Shopping Ads & Facebook Ads are all great ways to catch the attention of your ideal customers (in the paces they’re hanging out) so you can sell more of your products.

We know paid advertising can be daunting though – you need to see a return on your investment or it’s just money flying out of your bank account and no one wants that.

But we’re seeing some incredible results for our clients with paid advertising and it all starts with a strategy. And that strategy begins with:

  • Who to target with your ads.
  • How much to spend.
  • Which platform to choose.

And of course, any paid advertising must include a way to track and assess results, which as you will from the upcoming Case Study, is a vital component of scaling your ads for even better results.

Have you heard of Google Smart Shopping Ads?

At Keetrax we’re specialists at implementing paid advertising strategies including one of the newer options, Google Smart Shopping.

Google Smart Shopping has been around for a while but if you haven’t heard of it yet, don’t feel bad.  This form of paid advertising has only been around since about 2019.

So what is Google Smart Shopping?

Simply, Google Smart Shopping is a way to put your products in front of your ideal customers right where they’re searching for them – Google.

So simple its genius – right?

Google Shopping ads are ads that include product information, such as a product image, price, and merchant name. These ads use data attributes from the product information you submit in your Merchant Centre data feed.  And this could be for products you sell online or in store.

Now let’s take a look at a ‘real result’ so you can see just what’s possible with Google Smart Shopping Ads.

Case Study: Google Smart Shopping Ads Success

In May 2020 things were about as bad as they could get in New Zealand for anyone with something to sell (thanks Covid-19!). And during that month our client earned just 7 sales for their Google Shopping Campaign.

In July we dug into the data and put together a new campaign for our client.
And 7 sales became 80.

EO Sales

From there the results snowballed:

  • September – 161 sales
  •  October – 206 sales
  • November – 414 sales ($253 for every $1 of ad spend!)
  • December – 638 sales

And the result that blew our customer’s mind?

Following on from the Christmas rush in December, sales continued to climb in January with 768 products sold!

Let’s put a dollar value to this.

  • In May 7 sales = $4320 in revenue
  • In January revenue jumped to $218 118 – $65k more than November

How were these results achieved with Google Smart Shopping?

  • Maximising Conversion Value
  • Achieving a great Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)
  • Scaling by increasing the daily budget


The name of the game when it comes to any form of paid advertising is ROI (return on investment).  And as you can see from this Case Study, it’s possible to get a great return on your investment when it comes to paid advertising platforms like Google Smart Shopping.  But getting those results without the knowledge of how to do the three things outlined above, is time-consuming and it can be costly if you don’t get it right – which is why so many of our clients see the value in not only paying for Ads but also in having a specialist help them create and manage them.

If you’re ready to invest in more eyeballs on your products, talk to us about a paid advertising strategy for your Ecommerce business.

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